
Online charity benchmark 2016 – compare your website

Ever wondered how your online fundraising is doing? And how that compares to other organizations? Do you need numbers that can help you to set your goals? This online marketing charity benchmark tool will kickstart that process. We have analysed close to 12 million sessions, looked at more than 40.000 donations and checked out 148.000 micro conversions of Dutch charities. This post will show you what’s happening online; where traffic is coming from and which channels bring in conversions. And, even better, I will also show you how to find the right figures in your online data and how you can compare them to this benchmark.

But first, the 2016 trends…

Trends 2016

This is the second year we are conducting the online marketing charity benchmark.

Google Analytics for Dummies (or Fundraisers!)

This blog is meant for those who use Google Analytics. You can read this if you would like to polish up on your basic Analytics skills. It’s not meant for freaks. Just some basic tips and tricks for those who want to learn about the visitors on their website or use their site to generate leads or donations.

Today I will just discuss the very basics of Google Analytics, like how to install it and what do the terms mean. In my next blog, more advanced options of Analytics will be discussed like setting goals, creating funnels or using Analytics for A/B testing.

So for now, the basics: (more…)